Saturday 30 April 2011

Good Books to Read for Teenagers

Who says a dog is man's best friend is obviously not in the books. In my opinion, the books are there clear winners. Think about it. Books do not ask, the books do not have to be fed, the books do not need an hour or a day or an end. The books that are there when you want and what they need. They inspire, entertain, educate, since the power increase and sustain the business. With so many things and why not in books? And at an early age, too? The thing is, and I learned early in life, the books have a very different world. They learn to think and analyze, criticize and learn to understand and learn so many things, and just sit and read. Why the insistence on a teenager? Because young people the elements of life are ahead, if you're in the magic that books can get created for you, you're quite a life, really. To read the above, and clarity of thought and has some good books for teens.

Good books for young people to read
More reading among young people? Everything! I'll tell you why. If you read the different genres and forms are not the essence of what you like and what not. Not in a particular kind, limited a particular type of book. In addition, reading a book in his youth, then read, even years later as an adult, draw something else to work. Here are my preferred choice of some good books to read for young people.
Not a penny more or a penny less by Jeffrey Archer 

If the humor, wit, sarcasm and where it comes from, how do you find this novel. Archer simplicity with unique skills great story told infused hooks you in this case. The story is simple and interesting and the twist at the end (so characteristic of Archer, really) do you read it again when you left. In fact, Jeffrey Archer several other collections of stories, too.Choose one of these and you're done.
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown 

How to describe this novel? The story is very good. The construction and the end is totally, totally awesome, and the number of Brown takes care of our hearts high dropout rates can not be explained. Read this if you are looking for excitement and a great story.
The Harry Potter series by JK Rowling 

Start like that created too much noise about these books, but when it comes to them, you'll see that it's not just magic and the supernatural that catches your fancy. Yes, to impress the world of magic and spells and potions, dark lord, but if you read carefully JK Rowling has had all the human emotions right at their fingertips. The simplicity and complexity is what keeps you hooked to the series.
Life of Pi by Yann Martel 

When caught in a boat with a tiger for company. That's what this book. Can you imagine what one of these? You can not really. There are so many cases, if your heart rate only, then quiet, then return to competition. Reflect. The book teaches us to think.
Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger There was something in this book, I really do not know what ... and I feel that what some people in this book, others did not, and vice versa. For me, the inside of the protagonist struggles played with clarity and makes the book should be read. Try to get behind the complexity of human behavior, their insecurities and fears can be very, very depressing, and although the book is that of depression in business operation at all, it's something they can not identify and not envy you, because at some point, somewhere, you were there, so I felt good.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini 

It is a book that the turmoil of emotions, to say the least cause. With a war-torn Afghanistan in the background, which shows the behavior of raw human emotions. The horrors of war to mourn, as the destruction caused by war, how human behavior is cruel, and wants nothing but peace. The message of hope still shines through, and we are very grateful.
Some other Select There are so many of these books are good for young people, it really do not do full justice to the task. What can I do what I can give you a list of some good books to read for young people. This should be the question of what to read good books to help young people: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee ~ The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown ~ ~ The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Memoirs of a Geisha ~ Arthur Golden Charlotte's Web ~ E. B. White Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes The Chronicles of Narnia ~ C. S. Lewis A Thousand Splendid Suns ~ Khaled Hosseini Joseph Heller Catch-22 ~ Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell ~ Eric Segal Love Story ~ The Lord of the Rings ~ J. R. R. Tolkien The Hobbit ~ J. R. R. Tolkien Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen ~ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain ~ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ~ Roald Dahl Tuesdays With Morrie Mitch Albom ~ Chicken Soup series Jack Canfield ~ There's more where that came from the best books for young adults. All I'm saying is that you have read and explore further. The logbooks of different regions and countries, as well as different styles and shapes. Here you will find a rich person with thoughts and 

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